What is Power Walking?

Powerwalkingorspeedwalkingistheactofwalkingwithaspeedattheupperendofthenaturalrangeforthewalkinggait,typically7to9km/h(4.3to ...,n.健走;強力行走;大跨步行走.Dr.eye譯典通.,PowerWalkingiswalkingwithaspeedattheupperendofthenaturalrangeforwalking.Ty...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Power walking

Power walking or speed walking is the act of walking with a speed at the upper end of the natural range for the walking gait, typically 7 to 9 km/h (4.3 to ...

power walking

n. 健走;強力行走;大跨步行走. Dr.eye 譯典通.

Power Walking

Power Walking is walking with a speed at the upper end of the natural range for walking. Typically this is around 4 to 5.5 mph (15 – 13 minute mile). For Power ...

Power Walking

“Power Walking”和走路名字不同,但內容相似。Power Walking相當於時速6.4~8.0公里的急行。不同之處在於,不斷揮動胳膊。眼睛觀前方15米處,胳膊肘彎曲爲L字或V字,而且以 ...

Power Walking

2019年4月30日 — Power walking emphasizes speed and arm motion to increase your heart rate and stimulate other health benefits. If you want to empower your daily ...


2024年4月3日 — POWER-WALK的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to walk very fast while using your arms to help yourself to move forwards, as a form of…。了解更多。

《跑Pro啲》越野篇:Power Walk上山

2018年12月2日 — 跑山界有好多「外星人」,不用十三小時便可跑畢100公里山賽,原來佢地上山時,除咗會Jog外,仲會用到Power Walking的方法。今集《跑Pro啲》繼續由Team ...

小辭典[121] 健走, Power Walking | 文章

2011年9月7日 — 3. 手臂自然擺動。手臂大約彎曲呈90度,隨著身體自然擺動,擺動幅度不要高於肩膀。 4. 縮小腹、輕放腳。健走時縮小腹才能達到瘦身的目的,而每一個腳步都 ...


Powerwalkingorspeedwalkingistheactofwalkingwithaspeedattheupperendofthenaturalrangeforthewalkinggait,typically7to9km/h(4.3to ...,n.健走;強力行走;大跨步行走.Dr.eye譯典通.,PowerWalkingiswalkingwithaspeedattheupperendofthenaturalrangeforwalking.Typicallythisisaround4to5.5mph(15–13minutemile).ForPower ...,“PowerWalking”和走路名字不同,但內容相似。PowerWalking相當於時速6.4~8.0公里的急行。不同之...